Sara Potente

Sara Potente

PhD student

University of Padua

Sara Potente is a bioinformatician who has always showed passion for genetics and genomics. In 2022 she started her PhD in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics at the University of Padua. The PhD project involves the development of scalable, standardised clinical-purpose softwares able to analyse NGS data, and the analysis and interpretation of data from new promising sequencing technology, with the application to cancer patients.

  • Computational Biology
  • Cancer Genomics
  • Bioinformatics
  • PhD in Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2022 - Today

    University of Padua

  • Master Degree in Bioinformatics for Computational Genomics, 2022

    University of Milan, Politecnico of Milan

  • Bachelor Degree in Biological Sciences, 2019

    University of Milan